Cheryl Staruk Cooney
Having owned C.S. Cooney and Associates, P.C., a group private practice in speech pathology, for the past 30 years Cheryl has fulfilled her professional dream.
An active volunteer in the Leicester Community, she was co-chair of the Council on Aging during the planning and building phases of the Leicester Senior Center in the 1990s. She was the coordinator of the Leicester Food Pantry for 10 years, earning the Partners in a Vision Award in 2010 and the Harvester Award in 2011 from the Worcester County Food Bank. In 2018, she was honored by the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women with the Unsung Heroine Award for her dedicated service and contributions to the Town of Leicester.
She and her family, husband Mick and daughter Megan, enjoy traveling and spending time at their summer home on Cape Cod.
In an effort to provide much-needed funding for social service non-profits in Leicester, Cheryl co-founded Deja New. "It's a fun, profitable venue in which to showcase local vendors' antiques, arts, and collectibles."